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As a result of the coronavirus pandemic and in support of the government’s declaration, we have decided to cancel the Beaverton High School Success Fund BENEFIT Fundraiser on Thursday, April 16th.
As both our opportunities and financial needs remain significant, the BHSSF Board is evaluating an alternative virtual event to help raise funds to support the outstanding learning experiences at Beaverton High School.  We will share more information as details are finalized.
If you have committed to a sponsorship, donation, table captain or purchased an individual ticket to this year’s event, you can expect to hear from us directly.
Thank you for your understanding and support during these unprecedented and challenging times.
John Signature
Jon Caplan
Beaverton High School Success Fund
Board President


Join us for BHSSF’s largest fundraising event of the year at the 2020 Benefit for BHS celebration:

Enjoy a special evening filled with great food, wine and friends. Get inspired by the incredible achievements happening at Beaverton High School and be part of the school’s future success, while enjoying opportunities to bid on exclusive raffle items.

Suggested attire for Benefit for BHS is business casual.
